🎤 Stop Elgato WaveLink From Crashing Zoom

November 18, 2021 (3y ago)

Thank You, Next

The WaveLink Application for the Wave:1 microphone running on my install of macOS Big Sur has been a nightmare...

I have had to launch the application in various different order to launching Zoom, reinstalling Zoom, reinstalling WaveLink, changing docks, changing cables, unplugging cables. It has been a hassle and I am done.

Turns out, to use a Wave Mic with Zoom on macOS you do not need WaveLink, so here is how to completely remove it from your system, thank you to this reddit post with the solution, copied here so I can find it in the future.


First, quit the WaveLink app from the menu bar if it is running... (you may need to force kill it from Activity Monitor) then open Terminal, and run these commands:

  1. To delete the app:

    > sudo rm -rf /Applications/WaveLink.app

  2. Remove the virtual audio driver:

    > sudo rm -rf /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/WaveLinkVirtualAudio.driver

  3. Finally, restart coreaudiod:

    > sudo killall -9 coreaudiod

  4. And that is it, you should be good to go.